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Revival of Varthur Lake: Proposed First Actions

Suggestive action plan developed for channelising INR 25 crore of CSR funds strategically towards the sustainable revival of Varthur Lake

Client: Mineral Enterprises Ltd., BDA

Location: Varthur Lake, Bengaluru

Partner/Collaborators: Mineral Enterprises Ltd.

Duration: Dec 2017 - Feb 2018

Status: Completed

Varthur is the second largest (445 Acres) water body in Bengaluru and one of the most polluted lakes in the city. Mineral Enterprises Ltd. had approached Bengaluru Development Authority (BDA), proposing to kick-start the rejuvenation process by mobilising INR 25 cr. of its CSR funds. However with the lack of an action plan, MEL was unable to take a call on the first, most impactful action that would set in motion the larger overall revival of the lake.

In order to support this decision making process, through several stakeholder meetings with scientists, government officials, community members, other citizen groups, and using the Expert Committee report as a guideline document, our team evaluated and put together a series of ‘First Actions’ as a part of a larger suggestive Action Plan.

The plan had 3 phases:

  • PHASE I - Protection of the lake to initiate unhindered revival (lake boundary, controlling inlets, desilting stage1, wetland creation)

  • PHASE II - Setting up of SPV for implementation and developing a detailed Rejuvenation plan in sync with KC Valley Action Plan (informed by on-field health and environment assessment studies)

  • PHASE III - Lake rejuvenation (full scale desilting, lakefront development, construction of STPs)

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